Starks Field Primary School is a one-form entry primary school. Our published admission number (PAN) is 30 per year group. All admissions are processed by Enfield Council, which has determined the selection criteria. The Admissions Service is responsible for co-ordinating the allocation of Reception places in Enfield to make sure that as many children as possible get places at schools of their parents' and carers' preference. Information about admissions and schools in Enfield is available on the website You will also access the online portal at this link, where you can make your application for a Reception place. You can also contact the Admissions Service on 020 8379 5501. In addition, our Parent Support Adviser is always willing to meet with parents and carers to support them to complete the application process. Please contact the School Office if you would like to arrange a meeting.
If your child is offered a place at our school, you will receive information in the summer about your child's induction into our Reception class. You will be invited to an information session where we will share vital information to ensure you are part of our school community.
The online application process for September 2025 begins on 1st September 2024 until 15th January 2025. Offers will be made for Reception places in April 2025.
In-Year Admissions
Pupils who join us after the school year has started in September will have an introductory meeting. Parents/carers are required to visit our school with their child as part of the admissions process. All new admissions are supported to ensure they are felt welcomed and make friends easily. Our Learning Mentors will monitor their transition and ensure they are well supported through our buddy system.
If you would like to visit the school, please contact the School Office on 020 8887 6060 to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Appeals Process
If you apply for a place at our school either as an in-year admission or for a Reception place and a place cannot be offered because we are full, you have the right to appeal against this decision under the terms of The School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Information about lodging an appeal for our school can be found on the council website at